Breakthrough Japanese course

12 menus for building Japanese neural circuits and learning to use them in conversation! Grasp the key feature and frameworks of Japanese and learn beginning-level Japanese efficiently by category.
Aim to be able to talk about your favorite topics freely using beginning-level sentence patterns.

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Target students

★Those with learning experience:
Review and reinforce what they have already learned by category to gain skills to use them in actual communications.

★Those who are going to start learning Japanese:
Understand the key feature of Japanese adjectives, verb tenses, verb forms etc. and learn useful Japanese expressions and sentence patterns in short time. 

Course features

“Psychological method” – Minimize the burden of students
Three most common hurdles for learners of Japanese to overcome
The use of particles ⇒ Grasp the “core image” of each particle, then there is nothing to worry about them!
Irregular pronunciation rule ⇒ We introduce you to how to memorize it with less burden.
Irregular verb conjugation⇒ We’ve made it easier to memorize them by visualization and by tell them in stories.
“Heart expression”
Understand the nuances of Japanese expressions through the filter of the Japanese mind!
Nuances in Japanese expressions: hard to understand everything in translation!
Let’s talk in Japanese felt in your heart.
“Japanese for real-life”
‘Grammatical expressions plus something extra’ to acquire living Japanese skills
Active practices to be able to express what you really want to say.
Idioms, ice breakers, onomatopoeias, fillers, etc. Learn those expressions to make your conversations more natural and expressive.

Course details

1 course: 5 lessons
★You can choose and take as many courses as you want to take in order of your preference.
★Why don’t you review sentence patterns you are not confident in to use them in conversations!?

i-adjective course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“i-adjectives” expresses the nature and state of things, feelings and impressions of yours. Once you learn to use them, you can broaden your conversations.

noun & na-adjective course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“nouns” and ”na-adjectives” have same conjugation style. Why not learn to use them together? You can start simple conversations with one word.

Verb masu-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Basically, “polite style“. You can acquire a polite speaking style.
Its conjugation is fairly simple and can derive a wide variety of expressions.

Verb te-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“te-form” conjugation is said to be quite challenging. Don’t worry.
We will show you how to memorize its conjugation with less burden. “te-form” is very versatile. It not just describes present progressive and helps describe request, combine two verbs together, and so on, which can broaden your conversations

Verb ta-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Actually, “ta-form” not only describes past action or state, but is used to describe experience, advice, one’s custom, etc.

Verb nai-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“nai-form” can be used to describe variety of expressions such as advice, permissions, presumption, and so on.

Verb dictionary-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Using “dictionary-form”, ou can give your idea, describe possibility, ability, permission, your likes and dislikes, and so on.

Verb potential- form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“potential-form” is used to express possibility and ability to do something.
In this course, you can learn its exceptional conjugation in an organized way.

Verb conditional-form

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

“conditional-form: ‘to’, ‘ba’, ‘tara’, ‘nara’. When and which one would you use?
We’ve given titles to the usages:
“Future trip”, “unexpected situation”, “tell your dream”, “surprise ‘tara’”

Verb passive-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Japanese “passive-form” is “heart expression.” You can describe how you feel using passive-form.

Verb honorific-form course

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Actually, “honorific” is not merely ritualistic expression but can be used to make your situation better!
We will show you essential honorific and humble expressions you need to learn.

Verb Causative form

Sample textbook (pdf)

Total Training Hours:5 lessons

Japanese “causative form” is used not only in context of making somebody to do something but to make a suggestion and express your intention politely and modestly. It is used in business communication very often.

All courses provided face-to-face can be arranged into online lessons.